This document provides an overview of the source code of Akagoria.

1. World

The design of the world of Akagoria is a variation of the model-view-controller pattern.

1.1. Global classes

1.1.1. Model

The model is the central part of the design. It is split in three different parts:

  • WorldData is the pure data of the world. It is defined in files as explained in the world builder manual. This part of the model contains all the data that do not change in instances of the world. It is serialized in akagoria.dat. It is loaded at the start of the game and do not change afterwards. Examples: map, dialogs, notifications, etc.

  • WorldState is the state of the world. Simply said, it represents all that has to be saved to be able to recover the exact same world at the start of the game. The state is serialized to form a game save. Example: hero and characters position, attributes, etc.

  • WorldScenery is the part of the model that can be reconstructed at the start of the game from the data and the state of the world, and that do not need to be stored. Examples: sprites, animations, menus, etc.

1.1.2. Controller

The controller handles the evolution of the world, either because of a user input, or by a classical update.

  • WorldDriver takes care of the commands of the user. It checks for new commands and modifies the model accordingly. It also calls the script in case of a special event.

  • WorldProcessor updates the world on a timely basis. Especially, it updates the physics simulation, animations and particles.

  • Script handles the script, it loads the script at the start of the game and binds the relevant functions from and to the script. Then, it is responsible of updating the model when a function is called.

1.1.3. View

The view is composed of several specialized classes. There is not a single central class like for the model or the controller. Each part in the world can define a Renderer (in fact a gf::Entity that only redefines the render method). A renderer may have access to the whole model in order to properly display the relevant informations.

1.2. Parts

Each part in the world can contribute to the world data, the world state, the world scenery or the world view. Here is a list of the current parts and their contributions.

Table 1. Existing parts for World
Part Data State Scenery Renderer




















2. Opening

The opening scene is what happens before the real game is launched. Its design is a simplification of Section 1, “World”. Obviously, there is no data and no state. But there is an OpeningDriver and an OpeningProcessor.

Table 2. Existing parts for Opening
Part Scenery Renderer Comment


Splash screen


3. Root

The root scenery is a special class that handles scenery common to Section 1, “World” and Section 2, “Opening”

Table 3. Existing parts for Root
Part Scenery Renderer Comment




4. UI

The UI strings are serialized in a different file, ui.dat, in order to be available since the beginning without having to load the whole world. They are common to the world and to the opening.